BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

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1. Bortoluzzi S, D'Alessi F, Romualdi C, Danieli GA
The human adult skeletal muscle transcriptional profile reconstructed by a novel computational approach
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2000 - Year: 2000
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Topic: Sequence analysis
2. Bortoluzzi S, D'Alessi F, Romualdi C, Danieli GA
Genes differentially expressed between tissues: a statistical approach to EST data.
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2001 - Year: 2001
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3. Bortoluzzi S, Romualdi C, Bisognin A, D'Alessi F, Danieli GA
Comparison of expression in adult human tissues of genes involved in mendelian disorders versus non disease genes reveals consistency with a scale-free network model
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2002 - Year: 2002
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4. Coppe A, Basso D, Ferrari F, Danieli GA, Bicciato S, Bortoluzzi S
REEF and LAP: a computational framework for the identification of chromosomal regions associated to functional features enrichment and differential expression.
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Novel methodologies, algorithms and tools

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